Saturday, September 29, 2012


The world could use more mindful people
Mindfulness mean that we have awareness
around our own thoughts, words, and actions
Minfulness helps us to see what is an illusion and what is the truth or light
We are more aware of how we communicate with internal ourselves
and how we interact with the outside world

Clearing Away the illusions

Having a spiritual practice
will make it easier to see illusions in ourselves, others, and in day-to-day situations
we can identify and deal with shadow in a more empowered way

Learn more, visit "Knowing your Ego, Fears, & Shadows"

Bring Your Spiritual Practice Everywhere You Go

As we heal and clear ourselves,
it is a great practice to work on keep in all parts of our lives clear
with clear intentions, clear communication, clear actions
It is a practice
so be kind and gentle with yourself

Here are a few suggestions:
1. Clean out your closets
2. Give away clothes and items you no longer need
3. Let go of old friends and acquantices that no longer serve your path
4. Clean out those computer files
5. Give your home a cleaning
6. Give yourself a spiritual bath
7. Clean your altars
8. Throw out any old papers, mail or letters
9. Write that letter or email to that person you have been needing to talk to
10. Clean out your email accounts
11. Clean up your office or work space
12. Donate or sell any books you don't use
13. Have a garage sale
14. Clean our your car

Becoming More of Your Authentic Self

With the help of our daily spiritual practice,
we can hold more light,
we can be more of our true self,
we can think, talk, and act from a place of clarity and truth
The best gift we can give to ourselves, others and the whole is being our authentic self
Being who we truly are in each moment is a practice and a process, it is ongoing

Suggested Reading:
Be Yourself by Mike Robbins

Be Gentle with Yourself & Others


We are all on our journey
We all have things to learn and work on
We all have strengths and weaknesses
some of us are more developed in certain areas of our lives
Learn to be gentle and compassionate with yourself and others
Be spacious
and ease up on the criticism and judgement as we find our way 

Light Workers, Love Workers, & Rainbow Warriors

To all you higher vibrational beings on the planet,
who know you are here to help bring in the new age
and you are on your spiritual path

If you do not already have a daily spiritual practice,
it would serve you to start one

Learn more, visit
"Light and Lightworkers" -

"Love, The Love Vibration, and Love Workers" -

Detachment & Non-Attachment

Learning how to detach or be non-attached is a great quality to have
when living your daily life
Not allowing outcomes, your thoughts, other people opionions, etc.
to get the best of you is important
It will keep you present, happier, and in a place of trust
and it will help you to move past the illusions of your ego

What can you incorporate into your practice?


Some practices we can use daily are:

1. prayerwork
2. yoga
3. meditation
4. altarwork
5. toning
6. singing
7. chanting
8. visualizations
9. stretching
10. walking
11. running

How long should your practice be?

Your daily spiritual practice can be 5 minutes, 1 hour long, or as long as you want.
It should be enough time for you to get centered.
15-20 minutes is also good.

Where is the best place to do your practice?

You practice can be done at home, at the office, park, studio, etc.
It needs to be somewhere that you find comfortable.
Ideally, you can have a set practice in the monring, afternoon, or evening
and then you can use your practice through out the day.

Doing your practice by yourself or with others

Your daily spiritual practice can be done alone, with a partner or in a group of like-minded people.

Solitude -
You may choose to do your practice by yourself
You can focus more on your own center
and there may be less distractions
Being with others-
You may choose to do your practice in a group
it can help you to be in spiritual community and have more support
it can help strengthen your relationships if you do your practice with those you love
like family, friends, children, or partner/spouse/boy or girlfriend

When do you do your spiritual practice?

Day or Night-
It can be done in the morning or in the evening
or you can do it at both times, first thing to start your day or right before bedtime
(but doing it in the morning helps you to prepare better/set the tone for the day ahead)

Use it Throughour Your day -
A daily spiritual practice is something that you come back to you during your day.
for a few minutes....
during your lunch break.....
in your car....

Use it when -
when you want to get calm and relaxed....
when you are frustrated....
when you have lost focused....
when you have forgotten the truth...
when you want to remember your truth.......
when you want to center yourself.....

Your daily spiritual practice is there for you

Major Practice: Meditation

Lots of people like meditation and its many benefits.
It is physical
It is free
It helps you to connect with your inner self and The Source
It can be done in a variety of ways (i.e. walking, seated, etc)
It is an ancient art form

Learn more, visit "The Basics of Meditating"

Major Practice: Sound

This can be chanting, prayer, intentions, affirmations, singing, toning, etc.
You can use instruments as well.
It all focuses on the throat chakra.
It helps use to get clear about what we want and where we want to go.

Major Practice: Movement

There are various forms of movement that you cna use in your practice like running, walking, tai chi, martial arts, yoga, etc.
Daily exercise is good for the body.
There are so many great benfits that are physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental.

For more info, Visit  "The Basics of Yoga" -

Becoming a Better Human Being

Spiritual Tips cheatsheet created by Tanya Thomas (Ten Nebula)
The Ten Nebula Empire

Tips for people to become healthier, better human beings
1. Use active prayer & clear intention to create your reality
2. Drink lots of water
3. Create a daily spiritual practice
4. Get daily exercise
5. Get monthly healing arts treatments/Alternative Medicine
6. Create an altar in your home and work space
7. Get clear about your dreamtime
8. Study the universal laws
9. Be pro-active in your shadow work (dealing with your ego)
10. Strive to become more of your authentic self
11. Spend 1-hour out in nature everyday
12. Get plenty of sleep (at least 8 hours) every night
13. Eat well. Eat foods that are healthy and whole.
14. Give to others on the monthly basis (i.e. donate, volunteer, karma yoga)

Tips for Alternative/Eastern Medicine/ Holistic Health Centers & Practitioners
1.Go Green – purchase recycle paper for the office, use green cleaning products, compost, & recycle

2. Encourage staff to cultivate a daily spiritual practice. Learn more

3. Have clear, transparent communication with the public – use websites, offer an info email address, use contact boxes,  have phone numbers, clear business hours, fax numbers, staff directory

4. Donate and support U.S. non-profits (with annual reports & seals) on the monthly or annual basis

5. Use social media to promote your work, centers, businesses, books, films, modalities, workshops, etc.

6. Encourage and support alternative medicine/ Eastern medicines to get clinical trials so they are more accepted by the American public (Ex: Dr. Michael Gregor -

7. Align with and use best business practices & protocols for safety & efficiency– like cameras, job acceptance letters, ADP, termination letters, etc.

Additional Resources - Learn more ways to heal yourself by visiting

Recommended Books & Resources

Tools for Light Beings & Light Workers
Earth by Barbara Marciniak
The Pleiadian Workbook by Amorah Quan Yin

The Reiki Apprentice by Tuesday May Thomas
Spiritual Growth by Sonaya Roman
The Mayan Oracle By Spilsbury & Bryner

Spiritual Books for Healing
Hands of Light By Barbara Brennan
You Can Heal your life By Louise May
The Amazing Power of Delibrate Intent by Esther and Jerry Hicks
The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts
The Power of Now by Erkhart Tolle
Change your mind and your life will follow by Karen Casey
Be Yourself by Mike Robbins
How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger

Ten Nebula works & contributions

Ten Nebula -
The Ten Nebula Empire -
Ten Nebula Performance Arts -

Spiritual Teachers & Centers
NY Open Center -
Omega Institute -

Daily Messages of Inspiration

Learn more, visit "The Ten Nebula Resource Library" -

Special Thanks to The Source

Thank You Goddess for my life
Thank You Goddess for my body
Thank You Goddess for my home
Thank You Goddess for my amazing work
Thank You Goddess for all my clients & fans
Thank You Goddess for all my successful businesses
Thank You Goddess for all my money
Thank You Goddess for my spiritual family & friends
Thank You Goddess for my health
Thank You Goddess for my courage
Thank You Goddess for being able to help others daily
Thank You Goddess for my path
Thank You Goddess for all the light & love in my life
Thank You Goddess for being me
Thank You Goddess to my past, present and future
Thank You Goddess for all that I am and all that I have
Ten nebula

Contact Info

Site created by Tanya Thomas (Ten Nebula)
Spiritual Awareness: Cultivating A Daily Spiritual Practice

Ten Nebula is a Goddess Priestess, Reiki Master, Oracle, Channeler, Shamaness and Psychic healer.

Please feel free to contact me............
We offer phone sessions, healing treatments, group workshops and workshops.
I am also available to teach & facilitate workshops around the U.S.


Contact me:

Make time to "Like Us" on facebook!/pages/Works-Projects-of-Ten-Nebula/411606365529795

Find Ten nebula on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Linkedin, and Youtube.

Thank You to All Our Clients!!!!
Thank you for your business & support!!!!
Blessed be!!!!!